30 Before 30 – Update #1

Back in November, I had an epiphany that it was time for me to get serious about my health and weight loss goals. At the time I was 7 months away from my 30th Birthday with the same 30lbs to lose…hence the idea of 30 Before 30 being created.

I went back and read over that post and realized that I hadn’t included my beginning weight because I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share that much information. Fast forward to now, I believe that sharing the details will not only help me stay accountable but will also make it easier to track my progress. So here goes:

 11-30-11 : 155.4 

 01-18-12 : 151.2 

Yep, I’ve only lost 4.2lbs in the past 7 weeks but considering the fact that it was during the holiday season I’m okay with that. Now, there are no more excuses and it’s time to get serious if I plan on reaching my goal. Last week I decided to take it a step further and hire a personal trainer…my husband. So far it seems to be effective and a little bit funny as well, lol. I think he gives me the extra push that I need to just get it done. 

As far as diet is concerned, I’m still technically on Weight Watchers but lately I’ve been incorporating more clean eating along with normal calorie counting using my handy dandy MyFitnessPal app that I love (btw, if you’ve never used it before…get familiar and add gabeflowers as your friend)! I’ve noticed that it can be a little tedious double tracking and I’m getting close to letting go of the WW app but I’m not quite there yet. At any rate, I’m hoping it will all be worth it in the end

Not exactly sure how often I’ll be sharing my progress (either weekly, bi-weekly or monthly) but I do know that there will be more updates in the near future, so stay tuned 😉

Until next time, 
